Episode 106, “On Strategy, and Reality: Part 1”
-Andrew For America talks about investigative researcher, fundamentalist Christian, intelligence analyst, Vietnam veteran, former National Guardsman, and a retired Los Angeles deputy sheriff's department criminal investigator, Terry Cook. He also talks about fundamentalism and the "information war" and how China may be leading it. Andrew also talks about "Trump Derangement Syndrome," Donald Trump, the invasion of Mar-a-Lago, and whether or not Trump is in the "big club.”
-The song selections are the songs, "The War at Home" and "Dark Days" by the band One Whore's Town.
Show Notes:
Many of my fellow Americans are curious about whether or not Donald Trump is in the “big club.” Trump is important to understand because whether or not he is in the "big club" could have grave implications for the future of our nation…if he gets elected again.
In today's episode, I go in-depth about how my fellow Americans can benefit from understanding fundamentalism, the plans of the “big club,” and who Donald Trump really is. I thought this was important to talk about in this episode because I was wondering why some conspiracy theories are often coupled with fundamentalist Christianity, where the faith in Donald Trump comes from, etc.
Here's what you'll learn in this episode:
Andrew introduces investigative researcher, fundamentalist Christian, intelligence analyst, Vietnam veteran, former National Guardsman, and retired Los Angeles deputy sheriff's department criminal investigator, Terry Cook.
Is Donald Trump in the "big club?"
What is "Trump Derangement Syndrome?"
What is the “information war” and how is China involved?
Resource shared in this episode:
Terry L. Cook clip: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChFkMaGDXRz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Trump Derangement Syndrome guy: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChIBo7QldPJ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Check me out on https://www.altmediaunited.com!!!
Go check out all of the amazing punk rock artists at https://www.allegedlyrecords.com!!!
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