Episode 121, “Invisible Government”

-Andrew For America discusses the possibility of, and the evidence for the existence of an "invisible government" that is the true ruling power of our country.  The true "ruling power" that makes all the important decisions from "behind the scenes."  This idea has been talked about by many prominent figures throughout history, and Andrew shows us a few examples.  Andrew also talks about recent controversial comments made by Kanye West and Kyrie Irving that were construed as being "antisemitic."  Andrew also talks about the importance of engaging in difficult conversations about complex issues, and the importance of our rights to free speech and free assembly.  If we do not exercise these rights, they may one day be taken away from us...and sooner than you may think.  

-The song selection is the song, "Repeat After Me" by The Perils of Being.

Show Notes:

My fellow Americans…for many years now…many court justices, politicians, business leaders, world planners, etc have made public statements revealing the existence of an “invisible government” that is the true ruling power of our country. George Carlin famously said, “forget the politicians…politicians are put there to make you think that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have “owners.” They own you.” Today, I share some of these quotes made by prominent figures throughout history about this alleged “invisible government.” And if it does exist…then who are the members of this “invisible government?” I share some thoughts on this topic. I also talk about some recent comments made by Kanye West and Kyrie Irving that got these two gentlemen into some trouble because their comments were construed as “antisemitic.” Do the Jews run the world? Kanye West thinks so apparently! I think the Kanye West “media darling tour” is a bit too scripted to be authentic. The narrative writes itself. Beware of these celebrity media darling tours my fellow Americans. Also be skeptical of why the mainstream media parades a person/story out in front of you on multiples “news” shows, talk shows, podcasts, etc. They are doing it for a very specific reason…control the narrative, control the population, and make money sensationalizing and fabricating reality.

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Episode 122, “(Not So) Secret Societies


Episode 120, “We in Trouble (Part 2)”