Episode 125, “We Will Be Successful”
-Happy New Year!!! Andrew For America re-introduces himself to his growing audience, and revisits some of the themes and topics from his previous episodes. He talks about the late "conspiracy theorist" and author of the book "Behold A Pale Horse," Milton William Cooper, the concept of transhumanism, the building of a "technical Noah's Ark," the big club's aspirations to become immortal gods, Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, vaccines, MRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone and Mass Formation Psychosis, human cloning researcher Richard Seed, The World Economic Forum and their "plan for the world," and a whole lot more!
-The song selections are the songs, "First World Problems" and "Church and State" by the band, The Skluttz.
Show notes:
-Is there a small group of wealthy “world planners” who are trying to take over total control of the entire world? Is this small group of people trying to create a technologically specialized “breakaway society” that plans to colonize Mars and leave the rest of us here on this failed planet called Earth? When I listen to people like Yuval Noah Harari, Richard Seed, and Klaus Schwab speak, I feel like real life is becoming a dystopian, futuristic, science fiction movie of sorts. These elites are no longer hiding their intentions, and many “conspiracy theorists” have stated that the elitist plan for the world is “succeeding.” George H W Bush and his son Dubya have both publicly stated that “we will be successful” and “we’re going to succeed.” I believe that when Bush spoke about the NWO and “the promise and vision of the UN founders,” he was talking about this alleged “plan for the world.” Cloning, DNA sequencing, Crispr, gene editing and MRNA technology, artificial wombs, electromagnetic sperm, etc…it seems like the technology advances and Artificial Intelligence are going to change this world…forever.
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