Episode 212, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”

-Andrew For America talks about how ego and fear prevents people from honestly considering, analyzing, and understanding controversial/conspiratorial information. He then plays a clip of Blackrock CEO Larry Fink talking about how with the rise of populism and social media they are losing the public trust, and Fink claims he wants to restore that trust…but then Andrew follows up with a clip of Avi and Ezra from Rebel News approaching Fink in the streets of Davos and attempting to ask him some controversial questions, resulting in Fink remaining silent and even taking pictures of the journalists (insinuating a threat)! So much for trust huh Mr. Fink?! Andrew also plays a clip of Larry Ellison (owner of Oracle corporation and the Hawaiian island of Lanai) talking about how drone and surveillance technology will provide total control of society and will destroy our privacy! Andrew also plays a clip of Anthony Fauci back in the 80’s during the AIDS outbreak talking about “introducing infections into a population,” and then follows it with a clip of comedian Andrew Schultz talking about Fauci’s pardon and asking the question, “what’s in my arm man?” Andrew ends by playing clips of medical professionals criticizing Fauci and his colleagues as well as questioning the efficacy of ALL vaccines.

-The song selection is the song, “Snake in the Grass” by the band Much The Same.

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Episode 213, “The Tulsi Gabbard/Kash Patel Confirmation Hearings (with Sam Winchester)”


Episode 211, “TRUST US.”