Episode 94, “Some More News, Quotes, and Thoughts”
-Andrew For America discusses a range of topics, including: Censorship and the "Infowar," Gerald Massey, Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR/Chatham House relationship, Propaganda and the death of journalism and/or "investigative" news reporting, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on "decarbonizing" economies, Gov. Abbott buses illegal aliens to Washington D.C., Jonathan Haidt on how social media is destroying the "mortar" that holds our culture and "civil" society together, European commission considers increased surveillance and the reducing of individual privacy, and Henry Kissinger, Operation Popeye, and weather manipulation. Andrew also shares another assortment of opinions, quotes, and thoughts.
-The song selections are the songs, "This is How it Ends" and "Someday" by Andrew for America; and "First Broken Heart" and "There Ought to be a Law" by The Launch.
Show Notes:
Many Americans need to gain more awareness with regard to how much and how fast everything is changing in our world. It is important to learn and to become more aware so that we can make educated decisions about our future.
In today's episode, I offer many examples which illustrate how my fellow Americans can benefit from thinking about the news, learning history, and reading intelligent quotes in hopes of gaining more education and awareness on specific topics. I thought this was important to talk about in this episode because in a world where its hard to stay up to date on current events, we need more people who are aware, engaged, and interested in what is going on in the world around them.
Here's what you'll learn in this episode:
Examples pointing to the fact that the world is changing in many ways.
Many powerful people are consolidating their resources in pursuit of goals.
Andrew shares a selection of quotes from various people.
Andrew offers some of his original music selections.
Resources shared in this episode:
-Jonathan Haidt piece published in The Atlantic.
Listen here on:
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/andrew-foramerica/episodes/Some-More-News--Quotes--and-Thoughts-e1h7npc
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bT7hDg2rOvlZzaasKiUKg
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